Our Core Values
Everyone knows that there are no two people exactly alike. Even identical twins are overwhelmingly unique from one another. The same is true for every church in the world. The mixture of leadership, people, culture, values, experiences, etc. ensure that there will never be another church like it. Identifying our CORE VALUES helps to clarify for our CHURCH LEADERS as well as PARTNERS and VISITORS just WHO WE ARE.
There are many paths that can get you to where you want to go, but not every path is the best or right path. While driving, you may prefer to stay away from toll roads or highways. Most GPS units will allow you to program that information in. As a result, the path (or strategic plan) created for you will stick to those preferences. Additionally, when a roadblock forces you to detour, your GPS will recalculate keeping your programmed preferences. In the same way, our core values ensure we don’t stray from ‘who we are’ while fulfilling ministry.
Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and ministry so that you and your family can build a strong foundation. We’re here to serve you and help you find a meaningful place of service to God.

Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and ministry so that you and your family can build a strong foundation. We’re here to serve you and help you find a meaningful place of service to God.
Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and ministry so that you and your family can build a strong foundation. We’re here to serve you and help you find a meaningful place of service to God.
Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and ministry so that you and your family can build a strong foundation. We’re here to serve you and help you find a meaningful place of service to God.
Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and ministry so that you and your family can build a strong foundation. We’re here to serve you and help you find a meaningful place of service to God.
Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and ministry so that you and your family can build a strong foundation. We’re here to serve you and help you find a meaningful place of service to God.