Our Pastors

Demond & Portia Taylor
Together, Demond and Portia Taylor pastor the Charles County campus of Victory Christian Ministries International (VCMI). Commissioned to raise up a body of believers to carry this Gospel throughout the world; They are dedicated to teaching the unadulterated word of God with simplicity, clarity and power – raising a Church that will be able to declare with boldness as Jesus is so are we in this world!
Demond Taylor
Demond Taylor, along with his wife Portia Taylor, pastor Victory Christian Ministries International - Charles County (VCMI Charles County). As a Pastor, husband and father, he understands that a strong family produces a strong body of believers.
Prior to becoming the Pastor of VCMI Charles County, Demond was one of the founding members of the Exodus Go-Go band. In addition to ministering with the Exodus band, Pastor Demond along with his wife, Portia, served faithfully under the leadership of VCMI Founders, Pastors Tony & Cynthia Brazelton.
Driven by his understanding of God’s continual grace and love, Demond’s animated yet down to earth teaching of the Word of God continues to bring people in from all walks of life seeking to know God. Demond’s goal is to see people realize their full potential through an authentic relationship with God.
Portia Taylor
Portia Taylor pastors Victory Christian Ministries International Charles County along side her husband, Demond Taylor. Together, they are extending the vision of Apostles Tony & Cynthia Brazelton into Southern Maryland where they teach the word of God with boldness & clarity to a multicultural church.
Pastor Portia has empowered hundreds of women with her “I’m Not That Woman” message, a revelation God gave her years ago as she studied various women in the Bible from those that were praised to those that were marginalized.
Armed with the love of God and a no nonsense approach, her primary goals are to lead people to understanding their true identity in Jesus Christ, empower women, and help them walk in the freedom that God has given them.
Learn more and request booking for pastor Portia at PORTIATAYLOR.COM