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Group of Female Friends

Virtuous Women

4th Monday of every other month

designed to mentor and encourage women to walk in the call of God upon their lives. Ladies are invited to join Pastor Portia, the 4th Monday, every other month to get empowered and encouraged to be the woman God has called and created us to be!

Hands Up

Wives Group

Every other month

"exclusively" for the Wives of VCMI Waldorf. Pastor Portia has a heart and vision to Foster Fellowship in women and the Virtuous Women’s Ministry - Wives Small Group (WSG) is one of the many ways to accomplish that. Through organized fellowship, the WSG provides an outlet for wives not only CONNECT with one another but to GET CONNECTED and involved with sharing the vision of VCMI with other wives in the house and in our community.

Holding Hands

Married Couples


focuses on strengthening couples through fun activities, practical teaching, and application of God's word as it pertains to the marriage relationship. There is also a fellowship experience at each meeting which allows couples to offer insight and encouragement to one another while enjoying laughs and some friendly competition.

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